Minggu, 11 Desember 2011

immunization schedule menurut WHO,International

SEAR Indonesia

BCG :Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine(1 month)
DT :Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid(dose grade 1 Part country)

DTwPHep :Diphtheria,tetanus toxoid and HepB( 2, 3, 4 months )
HepB :Hepatitis B vaccine( 0-7 days )

IPV :Inactivated polio vaccine( 2, 3, 4 months )
Measles :Measles vaccine( 9 months; 7 years )

OPV :Oral polio vaccine( 1, 2, 3, 4 months )

TT :Tetanus toxoid (Grade 2 &3 )

VitA :Vitamin A supplementation( 6-11, 12-59 months )

Info perkembangan kepandaian bayi,sumber : T.Helbruge "365 Hari Pertama"

1months :
-secara refleks dapat memegang benda yang menyentuh telapak tangannya.

2months :
-dapat menatap
-dapat tersenyum
-bersuara "a","e","h"

3months :
-menggerakkan benda yg dipegangnya
-memandang gerakan benda dgn bola mata sampai kesudut mata

4months :
-bermain dengan kedua tangan dan memasukkan tangan kedalam mulut

5months :
-menggulingkan badan
-menyentuh mainan
-membedakan suara

6months :
-bertopang pada kedua kaki
-memindahkan mainan dari satu tangan ke tangan lainnya

7months :
-membalikkan badan
-bermain dengan tangan dan kaki
-mulai mengoceh

8months :
-belajar duduk
-memperhatikan gerak gerik orang
-tertarik pada bayangan sendiri dalam cermin

9months :
-dapat berdiri tegak bila dipegang
-main cilukba

10months :
-berayun pada tangan dan lutut
-belajar berdiri sambil berpegangan
-menjapit benda dengan kedua jari tangan

11months :
-belajar jalan kesamping/merambat
-berjalan bila kedua tangan dipegang

12months :
-berjalan sendiri
-bermain kejar-kejaran
-dapat mengerjakan tugas-tugas sederhana

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Info penting sebelum bikin passport

berikut beberapa info penting untuk yang mau urus passport sendiri
di kantor imigrasi (updated 23 nov 2011) :

- Daftar melalui website imigrasi (online) http://www.imigrasi.go.id/ ,buka melalui internet explorer, matikan pop up blocker (melalui menu :tools-turn off pop up blocker),pastikan komputer sudah download Adobe reader, pada saat memasukkan data dari hasil scan pastikan scan data dengan GRAYSCALE dan document tidak lebih dari 300kb,data yang di upload tidak usah terlalu banyak,cukup data utama saja (copy ktp,kk dan surat lahir/surat nikah)
*pendaftaran online lebih menghemat waktu anda setelah datang dikantor imigrasi

- datang sepagi mungkin kekantor imigrasi ( sekitar jam 7pagi) untuk ambil nomor antrian

- Tidak perlu membeli form yg ada dikoprasi jika anda sudah mendaftar online,langsung minta nomor antrian lalu setelah dipanggil langsung menuju loket khusus yg sudah mendaftar online

- Siapkan data utama : copy ktp,kk,surat lahir,surat nikah,passport lama,surat rekomendasi (semuanya dalam kertas A4 ,jgn dipotong) *biaya fotocopy di kantor imigrasi cukup mahal,maka pastikan semua dokumen sudah difotocopy diluar untuk menghemat waktu dan uang anda

- Siapkan dokumen asli : ktp,kk,surat lahir,surat rekomendasi,passport lama

- stelah membayar (biaya 255rb) langsung antri untuk foto dan wawancara,tunggulah ditempat antrian karena proses antri tidak lama meskipun nomor antrian anda besar,untuk menghindari tidak ada ditempat pada saat dipanggil (akan dipanggil per 6 orang)

- pastikan pakaian,wajah,rambut dalam keadaan rapi,bagi wanita paling tidak pakai make up soft,karena hasil foto dari kamera kantor imigrasi sebagian besar hasilnya jelek ,hehe...

-simpan bukti pembayaran untuk mengambil passport (selesai dalam 4 hari kerja)

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011

preschool bagus jakarta selatan

Berikut info preschool bagus dijakarta selatan :

-Tumbletots kemang
 Plaza 88 Kemang, Jl.Kemang Raya no.86
Ph : 021-7191707

Tumbletots Programmes overview

Designed to develop children's physical skills of agility, balance, co-ordination and climbing, through the use of brightly coloured Tumble Tots equipment.
The programme is structured to develop children's positive personality traits including confidence and self-esteem.
Each 1 Hour weekly session combines fun, excitement and challenge in a safe and caring environment. All sessions use unique equipment and are run by staff specially trained to get the best out of your child. It is structured according to the different ages and stages of a child's development.
Child psychologists and educators agree that a structured programme in movement should be a part of every child's education.
- Kinderland Cilandak
  Jl.Caringin Barat no.1 Cilandak Barat
 Ph : 021 -75908818

  • Successful ProgrammesClick here...

    The Kinderland programme is specially designed by our team of Child Development Early Childhood Education specialists, together with our overseas consultants. Its aim is to promote holistic development for children and readiness for schooling.
  • Up-to-date ProgrammesClick here...

    Kinderland's proprietary programme materials are constantly reviewed and updated to meet the changing developmental and educational needs of children in today's society.
  • Regular AppraisalsClick here...

    Kinderland children are well-prepared for formal schooling. They are given diagnostic testing to keep track of their progress in English, Mathematics, and Mandarin.
Kinder Land
- Tutor Time Pondok Indah
  Jl.Sultan Iskandar Muda no.1 ,arteri pondok indah
  Ph : 021- 72798185

Tutor Time's Safe'N Sound™ security system, a premier feature unparalleled in the industry, is one of our security systems to make sure your child's safety. Our staff will have instant access to check your child's arrival and departure information and to let the authorized people that you have assigned to drop off and pick up your child. We equip classrooms with observation windows and classroom security cameras, which allows management to monitor your child's safety at all times.

Qualified and professionally trained teachers help children develop socially as well as intellectually. Furthermore, every Tutor Time employee undergoes a thorough screening process and pre-employment assessment. All Tutor Time centers have CPR / First Aid certified staff members with experience and special trainings in early childhood education.

Our outstanding age-specific programs and learning environment are part of our proprietary StartSmart TM and LifeSmartTM curriculums and reflect our dedication to the whole child focus on meeting each and every child's developmental needs. 
Tutor Time

Selasa, 27 September 2011

hotel concordia bandung,hotel murah meriah dengan fasilitas ok!!!

Sabtu kemarin kita ke bandung,karena ada undangan wedding di hotel padma,berhubung hotel padma rate kamarnya agak ga masuk akal bin gak masuk budget kita (Rp.2.400.000)/night (emang sih padma hotel menang sama viewnya yg bgs), jadi kita hunting hotel disekitar hotel padma,dan lucky us!!,pas udah mau putus asa kita ketemulah sama hotel concordia / bumi sangkuriang, hotelnya gaya2 old gitu gaya2 rumah belanda,tapi bersihh banget,pelayanannya ok,dan yg paling penting makanannya enaaakkk bgt bahkan dari yg aku rasain makanannya hotel Padma which is 5 star hotel tapi lebih tasty makanannya hotel concordia,kita puas bgt,dengan harga yg supeeerrr murah ,kita dapet yg budget room karna yg lainnya full, cuma bayar Rp 375.000 tapi fasilitasnya lengkap dan memuaskan... oiya hotelnya di Ciumbuleuit ya..

  • Dutch-style lobby.
  • 3 rooms in a Dutch-style house.
  • 20 newly-constructed modern rooms.
  • 2 budget rooms.
  • A small, newly-renovated garden for use of hotel guests only. (Suitable
    for wedding party or other events holding up to 200 people. Please contact
    the front desk for more information.)
  • 4 outdoor tennis hard courts – available to hotel guests free of charge.
    Please reserve at the front desk, start at 07.00 to 20.00.
  • Outdoor swimming pool – available to hotel guests free of charge
  • Children’s playground, which also included a small pool.
  • Fitness center – included aerobic class, also available to hotel
    guests free of charge, with the following schedule: 
    • For Ladies only: Monday, Wednesday, Friday start at 08.00 am
    • Mix: Tuesday and Thursday start at 04.30 pm .
  • 1 restaurant, overlooking the pool and garden.
  • Wireless Hot Spot internet access – available free of charge.
  • 1 small, 1 medium, and 1 large conference rooms – can be arranged
    upon request.
  • All set within 26,000 m2 of land, which includes an expansive and incredibly
    beautiful landscaped garden.
rate hotel (gila ya murah meriah euy)

Dutch-Style Rooms (3 rooms) Rp. 475.000 ++ Rp. 400.000 ++
Modern-Style Rooms (20 rooms) Rp. 425.000 ++ Rp. 350.000 ++
Budget Rooms (2 rooms) Rp. 375.000 ++ Rp. 300.000 ++
Extra Bed Rp. 100.000 nett Rp. 100.000 nett
Driver Rooms Rp 75.000 nett Rp 75.000 nett

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Ide baby n toddler room decoration

ini ada beberapa ide design baby n toddler room yg jadi favoritku,aku suka kamar yg luas dan terang sama cahaya alami dari luar..
  • Baby n toddler room idea :
Ide warna kombinasi hijau muda n pink,classic,cahaya dari jendela terang,kamarnya juga luas,duhh pas bgt..

aku suka jendelanya yg besar

ide permainan dikamar,bisa bikin anak betah main dikamar,jendela juga banyak,hmm..

lagi-lagi aku suka jendela yg besar,kamar yg luas,n komposisi warnanya

agak sedikit ramai,tp overall cukup cozy untuk anak

i like the window idea hehe  
toddler room,i love the hello kitty theme dan lemari yg besaaar

kalau untuk ruang bermain anak cukup cozy karna luass

cocok untuk baby boy maupun baygirl..